Teaching Faculty Champions

WOW Award 2021 – Digital Learning Hero – WCET Outstanding Work Award

Chosen by the college deans or department chairs, the following faculty champions are faculty who are experienced with teaching online and are willing to help their fellow faculty. They are in place to serve as peer mentors for the faculty in their departments and colleges. Please reach out to your department or college contact listed below at any time for support. You may also contact academicinnovation@utsa.edu for assistance.


Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
Department Faculty Champion
Architecture David Matiella
Construction Science Management Ibukun Awolusi
Biomedical Engineering Jingyong Ye
Civil and Environmental Engineering Vikram Kapoor
Mechanical Engineering Randall Manteufel
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Arturo Montoya
Alvarez College of Business
Department Faculty Champion
Accounting Linda Vaello
Economics Shakira Flores
Finance Candy Sikes
Information Systems and Cyber Security Terri Davis
Management Bruce Rudy
Management Science Kimberly Massaro
Marketing Daniel Davied
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Laura Sheehy
College of Education and Human Development
Department Faculty Champion
Bicultural-Bilingual Studies Gilberto Lara
Counseling Priscilla Prasath
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Vanessa Sansone
Educational Psychology Ian Thacker
Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Vittorio Marone
Clinical Teaching & Field Experience Jennifer Swoyer/Sam DeJulio
Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexual Studies Sonya Alemán
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Heather Trepal
Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
Department Faculty Champion
Architecture David Matiella
Construction Science and Management Ibukun Awolusi
Biomedical Engineering Jingyong Ye
Civil and Environmental Engineering Vikram Kapoor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Johnathan Votion
Mechanical Engineering Randall Manteufel
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Arturo Montoya
College for Health, Community, and Policy
Department Faculty Champion
Demography Corey Sparks
Criminology and Criminal Justice Michael Davis
Kinesiology Sakiko Oyama
Nutrition and Dietetics Lance Whitlock
Public Administration Francine Romero
Public Health Erica Wallace
Psychology Brenya Buchalski
Social Work Rebecca Juarez
Sociology Michael Miller, Donna Miller 
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Alberto Cordova
College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Department Faculty Champion
Anthropology Luca Pozzi
Art and Art History Dane Patterson
Communication Ryan McPherson
English Sue Hum
History Andria Crosson
Modern Languages and Literatures Nelson Hernandez
Music Drew Stephens
Philosophy and Classics Carlo Bottone
Political Science and Geography Nazgol Bagheri
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Seok Kang
College of Sciences
Department Faculty Champion
Integrative Biology Jessica Beckham and Eddie Hernandez
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Sara Shields-Menard
Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology Eddie Hernandez
Earth and Planetary Sciences Janet Vote
Chemistry Victoria Dougherty
Computer Science Linda Rutherford
Mathematics Cynthia Roberts
Physics and Astronomy Dina Drozdov
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Terri Matiella
Honors College Faculty Champion
College-wide Hector Aguilar
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Alegra Lozano
University College
Department Faculty Champion
Academic Introduction & Strategies Elena Camargo
Multidisciplinary Studies Karen Daas
Army ROTC Heather McNatt
Air Force ROTC Timothy Ball
Writing Program Victoria Miller
Need a point of contact at the college level? Contact: Jianwei Niu