Canvas Analytics
Enable New Analytics
The New Analytics tool in Canvas provides insights into your students performance, participation, and engagement. See a visual representation of your students progress or export data for use in Microsoft Excel.
Enable the New Analytics tool
New Analytics must be enabled by adding it to your Canvas course(s) navigation menu. If New Analytics is not on your course navigation menu, follow the steps below to enable:
- Login to Canvas and select your course
- In the Course Navigation Menu, select Settings at the bottom
- Select the Navigation tab
- Find the New Analytics item in the bottom list. Drag New Analytics to the top list.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Save
- You will now see New Analytics on your course navigation menu
- The New Analytics tool is not visible to students
- The New Analytics tool updates every 24 hours, meaning participation data maybe delayed
More assistance
- Review the Canvas Guides What is New Analytics or New Analytics Instructor Overview Video .
- Book a consultation with Academic Innovation
- Email us at
Using the New Analytics Tools
New Analytics offers 5 different dashboards
- Shows at a glance the class average grade for your different assessments including discussions, quizzes, and assignments.
- Use the filter drop-down menu to narrow down your results.
- Use the Message Students Who option to send communications to a certain group of students depending on variables selected by you.
- Download this data as a CSV file.
Weekly Activity
- See when your students view your course materials and which resources gather the most participation.
- Click on the graph to see more detailed information for the week including a list of participants and top resources viewed.
- Use the filter drop-down menu to narrow down your results.
- Download this data as a CSV file.
- See key student information at a glance including current grade and course participation details.
- Use the filter drop-down menu to narrow down your results.
- Use the Message Students Who option to send communications to a certain group of students depending on variables selected by you.
- Download this data as a CSV file.
- Run reports and download your data as a CSV file.
- Missing Assignments – This report will produce a list of assignments that have not been submitted yet.
- Late Assignments – This report will produce a list of assignments that have been submitted late.
- Excused Assignments – This report will produce a list of assignments that are excused
- Class Roster – This report will produce a list of students enrolled in the course or section with student contact information such as email, SIS ID, etc. Report data is up to 40 hours delayed.
- Course Activity – The report provides a list of daily user interactions in course resources, where each report entry captures a summary of user views and participations. Report data are up to 40 hours delayed, account time zone is applied to facilitate daily views and participation aggregates. The calendar filter only accommodates for 14 days in the past.
Online Attendance
- This tool allows criteria to update attendance information for students and removes manual attendance tracking.
- Page views and participation may take up to 24 hours to display, depending when a course interaction occurs. History is displayed from April 2021.
- The New Analytics tool is not visible to students
- The New Analytics tool updates every 24 hours, meaning participation data maybe delayed
More assistance
- Review the Canvas Guides What is New Analytics or New Analytics Instructor Overview Video.
- Improve your quizzes and discover trends with Canvas Quiz Statistics
- Book a consultation with Academic Innovation
- Email us at