What is my Experience Transcript?
Your Experience Transcript is a record of all involvement and academic activity that occurred outside the classroom. Your college experience is more than the courses you took; the experiences in activities such as student organizations, internships, and community engagement activities create a holistic representation of you that employers want to see. Similar to how the academic transcript lists courses taken and grades received, the experience transcript displays your journey through the university by documenting your skills learned from other experiences. The information presented on an Experience Transcript is validated within each program responsible for the experience at UTSA.

How should I use the Experience Transcript?
The Experience Transcript can be used:
- To enhance a résumé
- When applying for jobs or professional schools
- In preparation for a job interview; specific examples of past experiences demonstrate competence and increase your marketability.
- As leverage in the advancement of students’ careers, particularly for employers seeking evidence of specific marketable skills.
- As a tool for reflection; a chance for students to meditate on your accomplishments and experiences during your time at UTSA.
- As a visual representation of a student's holistic journey through UTSA and the marketable skills gained along the way.

What will be on my Experience Transcript?

Any type of campus or College recognition received individually or as part of a group.
(Examples: Presidential service award, Department awards, University Life awards, Scholarships, Fellowships etc...)
(Examples: Professional development programming, Marketable skills programing, Leadership Skills development programing, Professional work study, focused programs like Leadershape, Student Leadership Academy, domestic immersion programs)
(Examples: For-credit Internships, Non-credit Internships, Externships, Micro-internship, Practicum, Field Experience, Clinical Teaching, Co-ops)
- Research is an inquiry or investigation conducted that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to a discipline or
- The development of new knowledge or understanding in order to advance science
- Ultimate in a comprehensive written report and/or an oral and poster presentations.
(Examples: Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Works, McNair/LSAMP & other programs, Undergrad Thesis, Community-based research, CITE competitions, REU (research experience for undergrad), Hack-a-thons)
(Examples: Study Abroad, education away, Civil Rights and Social Justice Experience, etc.)
(Examples: Big Rowdy Idea, Bootcamps, Competitions)

(Examples: Service learning, RowdyCorps, Engaged scholarship, Volunteerism)
Why is the Experience Transcript important to me?
Use your experience transcript to demonstrate your marketable skills to potential employers. Just as your academic transcript show proof of your educational achievement, your experience transcript is record of all the activities you participated in outside the classroom.
Customizing my Experience Transcript
The Experience Transcript pulls data at the end of every semester to include:
- Credit High Impact Practices/Experiential Learning – Courses in which high impact experiential learning practices were present such as Research, Internships, Study Abroad, or Service-Learning
- Non-credit internships Professional internships reported and approved in Handshake
- President and Dean's List Recognition - Undergraduate students who achieve scholastic distinction in a semester
To add additional experiences to or edit the content of your Experience Transcript, go directly to RowdyLink. All experiences must fit the descriptions listed above and be approved in RowdyLink before they will appear on your Experience Transcript.
- The Starter Kit is useful for you to customize you Experience Transcript.
Where can I access the Experience Transcript?
Rowdy Experience Transcripts can be requested through RowdyLink.
RowdyLink is an easy-to-use resource students can use to track experiential learning events and activities on campus. It can provide a gateway to involvement opportunities and allows students to document their participation and learning. The system promotes opportunities for a well-rounded collegiate experience and lays the foundation for each student’s long-term success.
Student have the ability to track their experiential learning opportunities using RowdyLink.
- Log into utsa.edu/rowdylink
- Select account drawer
- Select Experiences
- Add experience
- Select experiential learning bucket
- Fill out required fields
If I have additional questions about my Experience Transcript, where do I go?
Send an email to experiencetranscript@utsa.edu.