Career-Engaged Learning QEP

Bold Careers Check Spring 2021

July 21, 2021
Career-Engaged Learning

Progress Specific to Bold Careers (QEP)

Goal #1: Expand Experimental Learning Opportunities

Develop an infrastructure to support a more diverse offering of experiential learning opportunities, including internships, undergraduate research, and community engaged learning.

  • The Najim Center for Innovation and Career Advancement has worked with community and campus partners to provide unique student engagement opportunities:
    • Najim Digital Ambassadors, supported by UTSA WestSide Partners, Dr. Roger Enriquez and Dr. Chris Reddick (HCAP Najim Faculty Fellow) in the Digital Ambassador Program.
    • Najim Summer Institute for Career Advancement, a five free week course was implemented partnered with Marina Madden (COLFA Najim Faculty Fellow)
    • Other Partnerships currently in process with the Najim Center:
      • Microsoft - Students conducting environmental footprint research
      • ThriveWell - Students working on a strategic plan for a capital campaign.
      • AWAAZSA – Assisting AWAAZSA organizational set up, funding, structure, connecting to collaborators.
      • Central Electric
      • Maestro Entrepreneur Center – Redesign of organizational structure
      • COSA R&D LeagueProjects regarding Traffic Safety
  • HSI Career Collaborative – hosted by the University Career Center
  • Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Showcase – hosted by Office of Undergraduate Research
  • FWS Experiment in the initial semester, funds supported COEHD a group of clinical teachers for Spring 2021 and will expand for Fall 2021
  • UTS created a Bold Careers Ambassador and Internship program, serving as an on-campus and virtual internship and experiential learning experience, including publications as well as project and presentation credit for participants in relevant areas, which the students can link to their professional resumes.
  • Experience Transcript is ready for implementation Fall 2021
  • The Career Center hosted/co-hosted 7 Career Expos to connect students with various internship and full-time opportunities.
  • Office of Civic Engagement (OCE), as part of the Civil Rights Marches Committee, led the coordination and programing for the Annual Cesar E. Chavez Day, themed “Continuing the Spirit of La Causa” featuring Mr. Roberto “El Capitan” Bustos who led the historic march from Delano to Sacramento and Mr. Ernest Martinez, Executive Director of the Cesar E. Chavez Education and Legacy Foundation (CECLEF) moderated by Dr. Liliana Saldaña, Mexican American Studies with UTSA and Lanier High Schools moderating the Q&A. In addition, OCE, in partnership with the Office of Multicultural Justice and Equity and the UTS Bold Careers Ambassador and Internship Program hosted a Pop-UP Community Conversation on Cesar E. Chavez and Dolores Huerta featuring students’ perspectives on the Spirit of La Causa.


Goal #2: Develop Experiential Learning Culture

Create a model of enhanced, strategic, and structured professional development to support faculty in developing experiential learning opportunities that intentionally address academic connections, career development, and transferability of knowledge and skills.

  • Office of Civic Engagement and Career Center partnered to standardized community partner affiliation agreements
  • Spring 2021: Peer Mentoring for Experiential Learning wash launched with approximately 30 participants and 7 faculty mentors
  • Faculty have new opportunity to be involved with students through Najim Center (examples include Najim Summer institute & Westside partnerships)
  • Three Career Center staff earned a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion certificate. This aligns with the QEP goal to increase D&I by imparting knowledge and developing tools to perform organizational self-assessment and plans for inclusive change
  • Best Practices for Research Team Behavior Committee - creating best practices for undergraduate & graduate research teams who participate with faculty mentors. Creating a set of standards across campus and incorporate with UTSA compliance trainings.
  • Formed the Internship Advisory Council comprised of 24 faculty and staff. Created three subcommittees within council to focus on streamlining 1.) educational affiliation agreements, 2.) internship tracking, and 3.) internship standards & best practices.
  • Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Launched a Blackstone LaunchPad and Draper Competition Stewardship Councils
    • Serving as conduits to include faculty in Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Efforts

Workshops for faculty and employers:

  • HSI Career Collaborative – hosted by the University Career Center
  • “Creating a Virtual Internship Program”, with Rachael Fletcher
  • “Managing Interns Virtually”, with Rachael Fletcher


Goal #3: Provide Support for Students Engaged in Experiential Learning

Provide resources and services to help students understand and articulate the skills and knowledge they develop as they engage in experiential learning, thereby increasing their career readiness.

  • Professionalization of work study program (named Runner Career Launch) is ready for Fall 2021 implementation
  • Marketable skills awareness targeted for UTSA athletes
    • Roadrunners Ready is a virtual program designed for UTSA student athletes to develop professional competencies related to resume development, career resource literacy, and professional networking. Two versions of the program will be offered summer 2021: an asynchronous and self-guided program available to returning student athletes and coordinated via the Roadrunner Network, and a live workshop series available to recent graduates.
  • Blackstone LaunchPad – campus resources for students interested in entrepreneurship through Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • The Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship hosted 6 Zoom webinars on Entrepreneurship topics, including:
    • “Going Beyond Break-Even Analysis”, with Prof. Isaac Lemor of Tec de Monterrey, Mexico
    • “Increasing Your Creativity”, with Prof. Stan Renard of COLFA
    • “An Introduction to Intellectual Property”, with Neil Guentzel of OCI
  • Launched the CITE Blog Site/News Website where new announcements/events can be found
  • Career readiness workshops and seminars provided by Career Engaged Learning:
    • “Pursuing your passion”, with Jay’Len Boone (8th US Youth Observer to the United Nations, UTSA alum), through the Najim Center
    • Design your Life”, with Matthew Temple
    • “Non-linear career pathways”, with Abreetta Bonner/Rachael Fletcher
    • “FUEL your degree through experiential learning”, with Rachael Fletcher
    • Office of undergraduate research completed 14 workshops and seminars in spring 2021 for students interested in research
    • Spring 2021 Internship Week
    • Initiated the “Student Internship Video Series”, a virtual professional development series to support students in connecting with opportunities and building marketable skills during their experiences
    • Career Center hosted 17 workshops and seminars in Spring 2021 for students interested in internships
    • Office of Civic Engagement hosted two Reflection Sessions for Rowdy Corps students featuring Self-Care and Time Management as requested by students. OCE identified campus and community virtual professional events to offer students asynchronous opportunities to gain capacity building skills and reflective analysis. UTSA Engaged Course led by Dr. Mel Webb focused on values-based community engaged learning and making an impact on surrounding community during COVID.