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21st Century Learning Environments


To consider what is needed to create a learning environment that encourages critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, and acknowledges the social and cultural changes that have occurred from the 20th to 21st century and the readiness of faculty and students to negotiate adapting to these changes; and to consider the professional development needs of both students and faculty to create this learning environment.

Task Group

Heather Shipley
Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and Dean of University College
Hector Aguilar
Senior Lecturer Chemistry
Myron Anderson
Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
Mark Appleford
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies COE and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Matthew Balle
UTSA student
Emily Bonner
Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
Sydney Brown
UTSA student
Thomas Calucci
Captain UTSA Police
Marcos Cervantes
Associate Professor and Interim Department Chair of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Jose Escobedo
Student Government Association Chairman Business Affairs
Kirsten Gardner
Associate Professor and Department Chair of History
Rhonda Gonzales
Interim Dean of the College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Dean Hendrix
Dean of Libraries
Shelley Howell
Interim Associate Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning
Kaitlyn Law
Student Government Association Executive Assistant
Carolyn Luna
Lecturer I Mathematics
Chad Mahood
Chair of Faculty Senate and Associate Professor of Communications
Roseanne McSweeney
UTSA Behavioral Intervention Specialist
Samantha Marroquin
UTSA Student
Deborah Moon-Wagner
Senior Lecturer Anthropology
Sharon Nichols
Professor Educational Psychology
Daisy Paredes
President’s Student Advisory Council Member
Suzanne Patrick
Director of EOS
Joshua Peck
UTSA student
Marcela Ramirez
Executive Director Digital Learning
LT Robinson
Senior Vice Provost of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Robert Rico
Lecturer III Criminal Justice
Jack Rust
Student Government Association President
Salman Sakib
Student Government Association Chairman Academic Affairs
Dixie Shaw-Tillmon
Lecturer III Writing Program
Tammy Wyatt
Vice Provost of Student Success