New Programs from Start to Finish

All new program proposals must be submitted for electronic routing and approval using the CourseLeaf Program Management system. All graduate programs need to be reviewed by the Graduate School prior to submission into CourseLeaf. For questions concerning new program proposals or for access to CourseLeaf:

The time frame for approval of a new academic program varies. It is dependent on complicating factors such as requests for additional information, revisions, availability of approvers, and the time of year when the proposal is submitted both internally to UTSA reviewers and approvers and externally to The University of Texas System (UT System), Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), if applicable.  

timeline considerations graph

Financial Analysis of New Programs

A financial analysis must be completed for all new bachelor’s and master’s programs that have more than 50% new content and for all doctoral and professional programs. The College Financial Lead (CFL) is the point of contact for this process; CFL’s should use the template below for this analysis.

In order to present an accurate picture of the enrollment and financial outcomes for the new program being proposed, the CFL should work with the department chair, college dean, and other central offices to coordinate and validate the data in this template. Thedata should also be reviewed and discussed with the Academic Affairs Financial Lead. After these reviews and when the template is complete, the CFL should upload the template to CourseLeaf and approve at their step in the new program workflow.

The following matrix will also assist those who are proposing new programs or making changes to existing program. For questions or assistance, please email

CourseLeaf Submission Matrix  

New Program Proposal Phases at UTSA

three phases of approval

For more information about shared governance at UTSA, please visit the Academic Affairs Shared Governance website.

For information about developing fully online, self-supporting academic programs, please refer to Academic Innovations.

UTSA Approvals and Timeframes

Click here for a complete Flowchart of Approval Process Workflow

  • It is best practice to submit a new program proposal in the fall semester in order to complete UTSA approvals by the end of the academic year.
  • Academic Council generally meets twice a month during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Graduate Council meets monthly during the fall and spring semesters .
  • The Faculty Senate meets monthly during the fall and spring semesters.

UT System and THECB Approvals and Timeframes

After UTSA approvals have been obtained, proposals are sent to UT System and the THECB, as appropriate.

  • Planning Notification – All new degrees require a planning notification to be submitted to the THECB prior to submitting the full proposal.  For doctoral or professional programs, the THECB requires submission of planning notification one year prior to submitting a full degree proposal. The Office of Continuous Improvement and Accreditation (CI&A) will oversee completion and submission of the planning notification following approval of the pre-proposal by Academic Council. 
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s programs –  are reviewed by UT System on a rolling basis and are approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on behalf of UT System.  At least 2-3 months should be allowed for this review unless additional information is requested. New Bachelor’s and Master’s programs with less than 50% new content are then reviewed and approved by the THECB Assistant Commissioner. New Bachelor’s and Master’s programs with more than 50% new content are then reviewed and approved by the THECB Commissioner. 

Estimated timelines for THECB approval:

- Less than 50% new content: 30-60 days

- 50% or more new content: 60-90 days

  • Doctoral or Professional programs – requires approval by the UT System Board of Regents.  Once approved by the UT System Board of Regents, the THECB will schedule a desk review and site visit. Upon completion of a successful desk review and site visit, the proposal will be considered by the THECB at one of their Quarterly Board meetings.

Estimated timelines for THECB approval:

- The entire process can take up to 20 months at the very least from the time the Coordinating Board receives the planning notification.

* Please note that there is a 30-day comment period notification for all new degree programs.  The Coordinating Board emails universities/colleges in the region to notify them of the proposed program.  The purpose is to allow comments/concerns to be submitted to the Coordinating Board regarding the new program.  The 30-day comment period does not count toward the review period.

THECB New Degree Program & Certificate Requests

SACSCOC Approval and Timeframes

The Office of Continuous Improvement and Accreditation (CI&A) coordinates submission of substantive changes to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) for approval. As a new degree program proposal routes through CourseLeaf, notes are added to indicate if SACSCOC approval is needed in order to implement the program. Begin to work with CI&A as soon as it is determined that SACSCOC approval is required for a new program. A full prospectus with documentation, including a faculty roster, will need to be submitted to the SACSCOC.

After UTSA and UT System approvals, the prospectus for SACSCOC approval can be submitted at the same time that the full program proposal is submitted to the THECB. These two documents should be worked on simultaneously in order to shorten the time it takes to get the program fully approved.

Proposals needing SACSCOC approval must be received by the SACSCOC by January 1 for changes to be implemented the following fall, and July 1 for changes to be implemented the following spring. Materials must be submitted to Continuous Improvement and Accreditation for review and final edits one month in advance of SACSCOC deadlines.

Catalog Schedules

The Office of the Registrar maintains UTSA’s course inventory and publishes the catalogs. Links to catalog-specific revision schedules and instructions are provided at the link below.

For degree programs being implemented between catalogs, contact the Catalog Editor to discuss options:

Promoting New Programs graph

After UT System has approved the new program, Enrollment Marketing (EM) will initiate the promotion process by reaching out to the college. The time between UT System approval and THECB approval is used to collect the necessary content for the webpage.  

Once a new program has received approval at the THECB level, Enrollment Marketing will reach out to both the college and to Admissions Operations to launch the new program webpage that will be housed on the UTSA Admissions website - Colleges should already be working with Admissions Operations to provide admission requirements for the program so that the program can also be placed on the appropriate admission application.   

For programs that need additional SACSCOC approval, disclaimers will be placed to let students know that the new program is not available for admissions until SACSCOC approval comes in. This allows the college to advertise the new program pending SACSCOC while waiting for it to be officially placed on the admission application. 

Enrollment Marketing will initiate the promotion process of graduate certificates by reaching out to the college once the certificate has been approved after Faculty Senate.