
What is curriculum mapping?

Curriculum mapping involves relating each program SLO to program courses, co-curricular programs, or other educational opportunities. Curriculum maps take the form of a matrix, with SLOs represented on one axis and program courses or other educational opportunities represented on the other axis.
For each SLO, indicate the course or educational opportunity where the relevant information is Introduced, Reinforced, and Assessed. Note: information related to an SLO may be Introduced, Reinforced, and/or Assessed within a single course or educational opportunity. Below is an example from the University of Hawaii depicting the mapping of an undergraduate program with three separate tracks:
Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum Mapping in TracDat

In TracDat, curriculum mapping can be completed by navigating to ‘Curriculum Mapping’ underneath the ‘Mapping’ tab. The Office of Continuous Improvement and Accreditation will upload program course titles to TracDat and assign them to their related academic programs. Program courses and active SLOs will then automatically populate in the Curriculum Mapping area of TracDat. The application then allows users to click ‘I’, ‘A’, and/or ‘R’ to indicate whether a SLO is Introduced, Assessed, or Reinforced in each course, as shown below:

TracDat Map

A blank Curriculum Mapping Template word document is accessible via the Academic Program Assessment main page: Academic Programs Assessment