Phased Faculty Retirement for Tenured Faculty

UTSA is fortunate to have many tenured faculty with long-standing service to the university. The program recognizes this service and provides a transition to those faculty who are ready to pursue the next step in their careers or personal lives. Faculty reduce work over a defined period of time at a reduced compensation level.

Participation is entirely voluntary, and interested eligible faculty are encouraged to review the information below.


Faculty members must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a UTSA tenured faculty member in good standing, remaining employed through the separation date.
  • Be employed at UTSA with a 50% full-time equivalent (FTE) appointment or higher.
  • Be retirement eligible.
  • Must not be on administrative leave.
  • Must not have submitted a formal, written notice of resignation or retirement that was approved in writing.

There is no maximum limit to the number of eligible faculty that can apply for the VPRFIP in any college.

Next Steps

  • Review the Phased Faculty Retirement Agreement and accompanying resources. Faculty are encouraged to meet with a tax advisor, financial advisor, and/or an attorney.
  • Develop a Planned Phased Retirement work plan through discussions with the department chair/school director. Discussions should begin at least one semester prior to the desired start date.
  • The department chair/school director will meet with the dean to discuss the proposed work plan and obtain approval.
  • Interested faculty members should not sign the agreement until the phased work plan is developed and approved by the department chair/school director, dean, and Academic Affairs.
  • Please contact with program-related inquiries.