Faculty News 04.08.24

Faculty News is a collaboration between Academic Affairs and the Office of Research. Major contributors include Academic Innovation, Faculty Success, Libraries, Registrar and the Office of Research Support. The newsletter lands in the inboxes of everyone with a faculty appointment, including tenured, tenure-track and fixed-term-track faculty, college deans and department chairs.
- Cultivate student research
- Featured Events:
- Pursuing funding in the humanities and humanistic sciences
- Pizza+Research: Trust across divides—learning with incarcerated scholars
- Automate your citations with EndNote
- Beyond the mouse: screen readers & other computer navigation systems
- Narrating a digital archive map of family history
- SKILL #4: Mastering academic time management
- UT System virtual mini conference series - teaching as wellbeing
- Getting started with Simple Syllabus
- View all events
- Opportunities and Reminders:
- RSVP here to participate in Spring Commencement
- University Resources