COS student in a lab


Open educational resources (OER) offer significant benefits to both UTSA and faculty and students. OER are freely accessible and customizable materials that allow faculty to tailor content to their specific courses, fostering greater student engagement. By eliminating the financial burden of traditional textbooks, OER ensures that students have immediate and continuous access to high-quality educational materials, supporting their academic success. The flexibility to adapt and modify resources enables instructors to create more relevant content, ultimately enhancing teaching outcomes and meeting students’ learning needs.


Drawing on the leadership and expertise of UTSA faculty, students, staff and administrators, the Open Educational Resources Task Force will support and accelerate institutional efforts to expand the availability and affordability of high-quality, low- or no-cost, cutting-edge and next-generation instructional and learning resources to students.


The Task Force will deliver:

  • Assessment of the awareness and use of OER at UTSA
  • Success metrics for OER usage
  • Prioritized five-year plan to integrate OER more fully in the Core Curriculum
  • Preliminary language around faculty rewards (workload, evaluations, etc.) that colleges could use or adapt
  • Procedures to clearly and comprehensively identify courses that adopt and use OER
  • Opportunities for training UTSA faculty on open education and open pedagogy
  • Communications plan promoting faculty and student awareness of OER


  • December 2024 – Deliver recommendations
  • Spring 2025 – Begin implementation


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Curricular Innovation

Increased flexibility allows faculty to teach what they want to teach and how they want to teach it

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Reduces financial barriers to a UTSA education

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Role of AI

Explore novel methods in which artificial intelligence can foster adoption and improve learning experiences

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Faculty Engagement

Targeted communications; standardizing faculty rewards

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Legal Compliance

Optimize and ensure continued compliance with SB 810 (2017)

Task Force Members

Dean Hendrix
Vice Provost and University Librarian
Melissa Vito
Vice Provost, Academic Innovation
August (Gus) Allo
Associate Professor of Instruction, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty Senate Representative
Mark Appleford
Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Claudia Arcolin
Executive Director, Teaching & Learning Experiences, Academic Innovation
Jonathan Brucks
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics
Andrew Dotson
Undergraduate Student, Cyber Security
Eden Ewing
Assessment Coordinator, UTSA Libraries
Christina Frasier
Assistant Professor of Practice, The Writing Program
Paul Gonzalez
Academic Affairs Chair, Student Government Association
DeeAnn Ivie
OER Coordinator & Political Science Librarian, UTSA Libraries
Kim Massaro
Assistant Professor of Practice, Management Science and Statistics
Alan Meca
Associate Professor, Psychology
Gregg Michel
Professor and Assistant Department Chair, History
Rita Mitra
Associate Professor of Practice, Information Systems and Cyber Security Department
Michael Newell
Associate Professor of Instruction, Academic Introduction and Strategies
Debra Peña
Program Director and Associate Professor of Instruction, the Writing Program, Department Chairs Council Representative
Jon Taylor
Department Chair, Associate Dean for Faculty Success, Professor, Political Science and Geography
Heather Trepal
Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Success, Professor, Counseling

Resource Members

Laura Everett
Associate Director, Academic Support Programs
Martin Gallegos
Institutional Research Analyst
Rebecca Luther
Senior Director, Academic Strategic Communications
John Palmer
UTSA Bookstore
Tiffany Robinson
Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar