Benefits for Retired Faculty
UTSA ID card
Emeriti faculty are entitled to UTSA ID cards. At the present time, there is no procedure for faculty without an appointment to obtain a UTSA ID.
Emeritus faculty are entitled to a free Faculty/Staff A parking tag. Retired faculty without an appointment are entitled to a free Faculty/Staff B parking tag.
Details (Scroll down to C. RETIREE PERMITS)
Library privileges
UTSA retirees (retired faculty and professional and classified staff) are granted borrowing privileges at the UTSA Library.
To apply for a retiree library card, please bring a photo id and a letter from your former department chair or supervisor to the UTSA Library at the Circulation desk. Emeriti faculty with a UTSA ID can use their ID card.
Rec Center
Retired faculty are eligible to purchase memberships to the UTSA Rec Center.