Course Syllabi Instructions & Template
Make sure to visit this web page every semester and use the updated Simple Syllabus template to ensure your syllabus includes all current policies, links, and language.
All course instructors should provide a course syllabus to students with the following content:
- All course syllabi should be posted online, either in Simple Syllabus through Canvas, or on a departmental web page (graduate level courses only). All undergraduate syllabi must be in the Simple Syllabus public repository, as mandated by State law (HB 2504) since 2009.
- Course syllabi should be made available to students online no later than the first class meeting of the semester. If subsequent changes need to be made to the syllabus, instructors must update the posted syllabus as quickly as possible so that it remains current.
- The academic content of a course syllabus remains within the province of each individual instructor to determine, subject to the department’s curricular needs. However, at a minimum, the following elements should be included in their syllabi:
- the course number and name
- the instructor’s name and contact information (including email address)
- the instructor’s official office hours and location
- a brief description of the course’s learning objectives, the course prerequisites, if any
- a detailed grading scheme, including types of exams/assignments and their weight in determining the final grade
- a schedule of assignments and exams
- the textbook, reading assignments and/or reading list
- the course policies the instructor wishes to impose, such as attendance policies, class participation and “civility” expectations, late assignment policies, etc.
- the common information link to UTSA policies and services regarding disabilities, dishonesty, counseling and tutoring, plus the Roadrunner Creed.
Follow this Basic Accessibility Syllabus and Schedule Checklist to ensure your courses are accessible. For syllabus design best practices, visit Teaching, Learning, and Digital Transformation.
Simple Syllabus required for UTSA Undergraduate Courses Beginning Fall 2024
Simple Syllabus is a centralized, accessible, template-driven platform embedded in Canvas that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish interactive class syllabi. This unique approach pulls together established institutional data such as policies, learning objectives, and course section content which meets all state, university, and department requirements.
To learn more, review the Simple Syllabus page, sign up for training via the Faculty Center events page, or email academicinnovation@utsa.edu for assistance.