Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Works
The UTSA Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Works is now accepting submissions for the 2020 edition.
Volume 9. 2023
- From the Editor - by Jude Chudi Okpala
- The Use of Mythical Realism as a Lens for Understanding Ada’s Experiences in Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater - by Ogochukwu Bibiana Ossai
- COVID-19 Financial Security and Sector Assessment of the Supermarket Industry: A Recommendation Report - by Delaniee Gibson
- Curriculum Revision within Nursing Education in Vietnam: A Literature Review - by Diya Patel et al.
- Examination of the Impact of Contemporary Media on the Perspective on Radical Feminist’s Self -Perception, Body image, and Disordered Eating - by Izabella Ali Bocas
- YoEmotional Intelligence Across Different Races for Justice-Involved Adolescence - by Jayda Branch
- Patriarchal Persistence: Unveiling the Core of the Gender Pay Gap - by Katelyn Garcia
- The Effects of Water Retention Rate on the Antibiotic Producing Bacteria and Properties in Soil in Relation by Clay Content - by Lisa Yang
- Review of Jordan’s Government Policy on the Issuance of Work Permits to Aid Employment of Refugees - by Raneen Aljamal and David Han
- Rising Thermometers: A Statistical Exploration in Temperature Trends - by Marco Teniente and Anuradha Roy
- Seeking Truth: Analyzing Korean “Comfort Women” through a Transnational Feminist Lens - by Madeline Puente-Bonilla