Spring 2025 Student Listening Sessions

In Fall 2024, the Enhancing Wellbeing task force held five student wellbeing listening sessions and received incredibly valuable feedback. Based on student requests and the desire to seek more input, the task force will facilitate another round of listening sessions in February, this time in partnership with student organizations.
UTSA students are invited to attend any of the sessions listed below to share their experiences, challenges and ideas to help shape the future of wellbeing support at UTSA.
Thursday, February 13
5:30 p.m.
Travis & Harris Rooms (H-E-B Student Union 2.202 & 2.212)
Co-hosted by Student Government Association; all students are invited
Learn more and RSVP on RowdyLink: https://rowdylink.utsa.edu/event/10766212
Friday, February 14
3:30 p.m.
Blue Studio (Recreation & Wellness Center 2.210)
Co-hosted by the Korean Culture Club; all students are invited
Learn more and RSVP on RowdyLink: https://rowdylink.utsa.edu/event/10838499
Thursday, February 20
6:30 p.m.
Virtually via Zoom
Co-hosted by all UTSA Sponsored Student Organizations; all students are invited
Learn more and RSVP on RowdyLink: https://rowdylink.utsa.edu/event/10994650
Tuesday, February 25
4 p.m.
Pecan Room (Student Union 2.01.26)
Co-hosted by the Student Poetry Society; all students are invited
Learn more and RSVP on RowdyLink: https://rowdylink.utsa.edu/event/10779369
Additional listening sessions will be added as they are confirmed. Please check back regularly.
Each session will be structured the same, so students can choose the time that best fits their schedule.
If a student is unable to attend any of the sessions, they may submit feedback online.
Student input is essential in guiding UTSA’s wellbeing programming, policies and practices, creating a campus environment where every Roadrunner can thrive.
Learn about the services and programming available through UTSA Wellbeing Services and explore these wellbeing tips and resources.